Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Time to put my foot down, join me

Hey guys heres your chance for positive encouragement and a (not)diet i feel concentrate on other life changing things other than just  that crap tastic number on a scale. Something that doesnt make the number or a size your goal. Something more meaningful.  That concentrates on the small things that are to be the foundation to a large picture. Help me be motivated to not fall of the horse. (The way youve been through this emotional time for me)

Today I am 31. I spent the best years of my life unhappy. I didnt love myself. I have researched. I know everything on how to lose weight but like some of you i dont use the tools. I also am realalistic. With all the weight i hold onto I DO NOT plan to look the same as 18. Have you thought about that? I have and I'm ok with it. I learned to love myself.

Do you want something diffrent? Create friendships. Build a foundation. I cant promise to make you skinny. But i can promise  to put my struggles and obstacles out there to maybe help you overcome what you might have troubling you.

Im 31 today. Tomorrow is a new year for me. 
I struggle with my weight.
I've avoided clothes.
I've avoided people.
I've avoided mirrors. Even cameras :(
And so much more...
I've  been un happy too long.

Do you want to join me?   Group: Losing weight and Overcoming 

This year I plan to see people I advoid. I plan for renewing my wedding vows. Be in photo's!  Try new things. Inspire people.

Will you help me? I would love you to join mg group: Losing weight and Overcoming

Together with open mind and open heart we can OVERCOME.


Please share this...I know someone is.  Thanks so much!

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